Files Submission

How to Submit Files

Accessing the Files’ Web Page

The Files’ web page can be accessed from the Components button or Actions button associated with a profile [1].

Use Components’ Button to Navigate to Files’ Web Page

Click the profile-components-button button associated with a profile. Then, click the files-component-button from the popup menu displayed as shown below:

Stand-alone Files' profile component

Stand-alone Profile Components: Files component button

Use Actions’ Button to Navigate to Files’ Web Page

Click the profile-actions-button button associated with a profile. Then, click the action, Upload Files action from the popup menu displayed as shown below:

Stand-alone Files' profile action

Stand-alone Profile Actions: ‘Upload Files’ action

Submit Files from your Local (Computer) System

  1. Click the add-files-via-computer-button button on the Files web page to add a new file by browsing your local file system

    'Add new file by browsing local file system' button

    Files web page: ‘Add new file by browsing local file system’ button

  2. An Upload File dialogue is displayed. Click the Upload button to choose a file from your local system.

    Upload File dialogue

    Files submission: Upload File dialogue

  3. The new file(s) will be displayed on the Files web page after a successful submission.

    File(s) submitted

    Files submission: Files’ web page displaying the uploaded file(s)


    To add more files from your local system, click the add-files-via-computer-button1 button (once files have been submitted to the profile) as an alternative to clicking the add-files-via-computer-button button.

Submit Files via the Terminal


If you encounter the server certificate error, curl: (60) Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized., please perform one of the the following resolutions:

  • Resolution #1: Run the command below in the terminal (if you have sudo rights on your device)

    $ sudo apt-get install ca-certificates


  • Resolution #2: Replace https with http in the generated command indicated here then, run the command in the terminal again.

  1. Click the add-files-via-terminal-button button on the Files web page to add a new file from a cluster via the terminal.

    'Add new file via terminal' button

    Files web page: ‘Add new file via terminal’ button

  2. A Move Data dialogue is displayed. Follow the instructions displayed then, click the Process button to submit the file(s) to the profile.

    Move Data dialogue

    Files submission: Move Data dialogue

    • Terminal with command inputted

      Input $ ls - F1 command in the terminal

    • Move Data dialogue with details inputted

      Move Data dialogue: Input the filename(s) returned after having ran the $ ls - F1 command in the terminal. Then, click the Process button.

    • Move Data dialogue with result (a command) after having clicked the "Process" button

      Move Data dialogue: Command outputted after having clicked command in the Process button. Copy the command displayed.

      If you encounter the server certificate error, curl: (60) Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized., please see the hint at the beginning of this section.

    • Terminal with command pasted

      Paste the copied command in the terminal

  3. The new file(s) will be displayed on the Files web page after a successful file submission via the terminal i.e. after the command has been executed successfully in the terminal.

    Files submitted

    Files submission: Files’ web page displaying the uploaded file(s)


    To add more files via the terminal, click the add-files-via-terminal-button1 button (once files have been submitted to the profile) as an alternative to clicking the add-files-via-terminal-button button.

How to Delete Files

Click the desired file from the list of files displayed on the Files’ web page. Then, click the Delete button (located in the top-right corner of the table) as shown below:

Delete files button

File deletion: Click the “Delete” button to remove the highlighted file from the profile

Files deleted successfully

File deletion: File has been deleted
