Samples Submission

The following are the types of sample manifests that can be submitted.

Click the links below to learn more about each type of manifest submission:

How to Download Submitted Sample Manifest


This is useful if you would like to update sample metadata for a manifest or retrieve the actual manifest that was submitted.

Samples can be updated by resubmitting the manifest with the updated metadata. See Updating Samples section for more information about which fields can be updated.


At least one sample record (in a manifest) must be submitted before a manifest can be downloaded.

The following steps describe how to download a submitted sample manifest:

  1. Navigate to the Samples web page.

    See How to access Samples web page section for guidance.

  2. On the Samples web page, select only one sample record from the sample record table displayed.

    Then, click the download-sample-manifest-button button to download the manifest.


    The manifest will be automatically downloaded as a .xlsx file

    Samples web page with one sample record selected and a pointer to the 'Download sample manifest' button

    Samples web page: Pointer to ‘Download sample manifest’ button